Approach to novelty
Psyclocibin is a mushroom which is known to hv antidepressant effect. It fights against depression and restores pleasure and joy. It is as steroidal injection for grief miseries and sad.
Here we throw some light on this therapy.
According to randomized controlled trial in double blinded study there were not so much lethal and notorious side effects of this therapy but certain drawbacks require attention like paranoia confusion dissociations that are not so uncommon. (1) other side effects related to this magic mushroom are dysphoria and anxiety but they are not so much prevalent among trial (2) since it is psychedelic drug so dissociation is no so uncommon. According to these side effects that were present its safety margin is moderate.
Physiological and phycological risks๐๐
According to the double blinded study psylocibin the magic mushroom is associated with the increase in blood pressure with high dose. There was also dilation of pupil delayed knee jerk and increased heart rate (3) Among the physiological response of hormones PRH is increased in both high and medium dose while ACTH TSH CORH were elevated with the high dose (4). Since it is having antidepressant effect so high heart rate is commonly seen with this therapy
Dependence and abuse๐น๐๐น๐
There was no any dependence among trials nor any withdrawal symptoms were precipitated .it was uncommon for the individuals to report any withdrawal symptoms (5) Not any significant symptoms were precipitated after withdrawal of this drug so yes there was no any dependence symptoms like lacrimation rhinorrhea headache conjunctival injection anxiety and so on. These withdrawal symptoms are almost associated with almost every drug on which dependence ensues.
Uses of psylocibin๐๐✊
1.for treatment resistant depression
1.mood changes depersonalization derealization (6)
2.for reversal of cognitive rigidity in anorexia nervosa
2.anxiety (7)
3.obsessive compulsive disorder
3.muscle control (8)
Limited research and long-term side effects ๐๐
The long-term effects of psychedelics are notably afterimages of color, “floaters” in field of vision, difficulty concentrating, and tinnitus, persisting after using a psychoactive drug. These symptoms resemble hallucinogen persisting perception disorder. this may be classified as type 1 or type 2 (9) so it is clear from above fact that this therapy mimics hallucinogens. In order to reduce these side effects, one must limit its use and not becoming dependent on it although it has negligible dependence rate
limitation of research on psylocibin therapy
Psylocibin is a potential antidepressant a psychedelic drug it has limited aspects of research which include Difficulties inferring temporal causality, maintaining blindness to condition, and reliance upon self-report. There is the limitation in research on current drug (10).
Need of further research on psylocibin๐๐
There is need of research on cancer patient in treating their psychiatric illness the results were good and promising somehow, we need more research and follow up to ameliorate the consequencesof this lethal condition (11). If this were done then it would hv great achievement of current therapy since many researchers are on their way to achieve goal on cancer management
Treatment protocol on psilocybin therapy ๐ท๐ท๐ท
The research was conducted on psilocybin .it was double blinded and duration was 4 weeks there were three groups ONE GROUP received psilocybin plus risperidone SECOND GROUP received psilocybin plus placebo THIRD GROUP receive placebo plus risperidone .all groups received psychotherapy .measures included were retention rates tolerability and safety. These were all present
It was crystal clear that it could be used for treatment resistant depression without need for psychotherapy and continuous monitoring. (12) it is good for depression with minimal withdrawal symptoms
Lack of treatment protocol in terms of dosage ๐๐
The effects were better appreciated with 25 mg dose as compared to 1mg. also there was not ant significant change among 10 mg and 1mg
So, it was dose limited aspect. (13)
The results were not placebo controlled and there was selection bias so results were not generalized (14).in order to remove these bias results should be generalized so that errors should be minimized. And the results Favour researchers
References ✊✊✊✊✊
1.Safety issues of psilocybin and LSD as potential rapid acting antidepressants andpotential challenges: Expert Opinion on Drug Safety: Vol 21 , No 6 - Get Access (
2.Acute, subacute and long-term subjective effects of psilocybin in healthy humans: a pooled analysis of experimental studies - Erich Studerus, Michael Kometer, Felix Hasler, Franz X Vollenweider, 2011 (
3.The abuse potential of medical psilocybin according to the 8 factors of the Controlled Substances Act - ScienceDirect
4.Acute psychological and physiological effects of psilocybin in healthy humans: a double-blind, placebo-controlled dose–effect study | Psychopharmacology (
5.The abuse potential of medical psilocybin according to the 8 factors of the Controlled Substances Act - ScienceDirect
6.Use of psilocybin (“mushrooms”) among US adults: 2015–2018 in: Journal of Psychedelic Studies Volume 5 Issue 1 (2021) (
7.Use of psilocybin (“mushrooms”) among US adults: 2015–2018 in: Journal of Psychedelic Studies Volume 5 Issue 1 (2021) (
8.Use of psilocybin (“mushrooms”) among US adults: 2015–2018 in: Journal of Psychedelic Studies Volume 5 Issue 1 (2021) (
9.Long-term effects of psychedelic drugs: A systematic review - ScienceDirect
10.How does psilocybin therapy work? An exploration of experiential avoidance as a putative mechanism of change - ScienceDirect
11.Long-term follow-up of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy for psychiatric and existential distress in patients with life-threatening cancer - Gabrielle I Agin-es, Tara Malone, Matthew M Yalch, Sarah E Mennenga, K Linnae Pontรฉ, Jeffrey Guss, Anthony P Bossis, Jim Grigsby, Stacy Fischer, Stephen Ross, 2020 (
12.Psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression without psychedelic effects: study protocol for a 4-week, double-blind, proof-of-concept randomised controlled trial | BJPsych Open | Cambridge Core
13.Pharmaceuticals | Free Full-Text | Psilocybin for Depression: From Credibility to Feasibility, What’s Missing? (
14Pharmaceuticals | Free Full-Text | Psilocybin for Depression: From Credibility to Feasibility, What’s Missing? (
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